Diamonds in the Rough Novice Horse Show

Sunday, April 27th

Judge: Kate Kiefer
Show information will be out soon


Offered specially for the Novice Rider, the Novice Horse and the Green Horse
  • Nov-ice: (nŏv’ǐs) n. a person new to something, a beginner
  • Green: (grēn) inexperienced or naïve

Open ONLY to Novice Riders and Horses (see definition above) and to Green Horses (see definition above)

Novice Rider/Showman: A rider/showman who has not won more than three blue ribbons in a particular kind of class. No age restrictions.

Novice Horse: A horse that has not won more than three blue ribbons in a particular kind of class. Green Horse: A horse not shown in a particular kind of class before January 1 of this year. An experienced rider may show a green horse. No age restrictions on the horse.

Walk/Trot: Limited in performance to walk and trot or jog only, to be shown both ways of the ring. Rider and Horse combination MAY NOT cross enter into any 3 gaited classes at this show

Three Gaited: Performance will include walk, trot/jog and canter/lope both ways of the ring


Classes that are offered are Showmanship, Leadline 6 & Under, English  Equitation 2 gaited and 3 gaited classes, Novice & Green Horse English Pleasure 2 gaited and 3 gaited classes, Novice & Green Horse Hunter Hack, English & Western Trail, Western Equitation 2 gaited and 3 gaited classes, Novice & Green Horse Western Pleasure 2 gaited and 3 gaited classes, Single Stack, Pole Bending, and Cloverleaf Barrels.