When We Meet
The Silver Knolls Spurs 4-H Club meets on the first Monday of each month except for when the first Monday is a Holiday. There is no December Meeting due to the Holidays. General meeting starts @ 6:30 p.m., include demonstrations and project talks where members share their knowledge, an educational program, calendar updates, business decisions and refreshments. Silver Knolls Spurs meets at the Silver Knolls Community Room (11525 Red Rock Road, Reno, NV 89508)
Record Book Meetings will be October 2024, May & September 2025 (have to come in person to get help) starts at 6:30 p.m. on the third Thursday.
Educational Meetings will be January and March 2025 starts at 6:30 p.m. on the third Thursday.
Audrey T.
Vice President
Claire C.
Jacqueline O.
Kaylin B.
Kinley B.
Kaylin B.
Citizenship Elect
Quincie O.
Kinley B.